Christy Pfeiffer
Christy Pfeiffer

Как увеличить лактацию? 50 минут на 3 унции - советы для кормящих мам, рецепты и помощь

Pumping moms question for ya. I just made my evening bottles for my youngest and it took me 50mins to make 3oz. I originally thought that I made an oz every 10mins which is sometimes true so I was hoping it would be closer to 5oz... how can I boost my supply? I've been having an oatmeal raisin with almonds/oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with almonds with each session but not sure if that's helping...

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I dont pump - I combo feed - but my doctor told me mother’s milk tea, fennugreek (I hightly doubt I spelled that right) and brewer’s yeast can help boost my milk supply. I’ve yet to try either of them though. But you might look into those!
13.03.2023 Нравится Ответить
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