Brianna Montgomery
People always talk about toxicity from their parents and how they’ll never let their kids be a witness to it. My parents, grew Bc of my children. They talk and have a healthy relationship Bc of my children. My children will never know the parents I knew and for that I’m grateful and know my children will always have amazing grandparents
2.6 года

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That is a rare find. Good to see that they’ve turned to the better. Sadly, I will never have that opportunity with my mother and my dd.

2.6 года Нравится Ответить



That is a rare find. Good to see that they’ve turned to the better. Sadly, I will never have that opportunity with my mother and my dd.

2.6 года Нравится Ответить

I’m so sorry ): I hate seeing that people don’t get the same end that I have , we all can just hope we can be so much better. But I’m so glad that they’re so much better for them , too.

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