Please any moms out there going through what i am going through, I need help with my almost 5 year old daughter. I do not know what to do anymore, she is so mouthy, throws fits, I took her tablet away for over a week and a half, im doing time outs when she isn't listening. Im taking a positive parenting class because im tired of yelling and constantly feeling defeated. Im not sure what more i can do, any advice on what you do with your kids would be great. Nothing really seems to faze my daughter anymore, it's like she doesn't care. I know alot of it is just me in my feelings, and she is a good kid she listens to anyone that isnt me or my husband. So im not failing completely. Please no negative comments, I just need positive ones im emotional as it's lately. I should note that we do family time, we have family outings. She goes without nothing essential wise. But any positive pointers on what works for you in your household discipline wise would be appreciated. Xo

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We went through this for about a year around the same time its getting better now. I got our son a chart that he could see what was expected daily of him to earn tablet time or video games and he was in full control I would remind him about his chart and when he did the things on it he put a star and when he got so many he got his rewards for the day. Now we don't use the chart and the only time I have issues with behavior is when he is so tired.
12.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
5 was a really, really hard year.
12.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
@onthegomomma your welcome
12.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
@jenx 5 is a hard one for sure
12.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
We’re going through the same thing. Unfortunately it’s pretty normal for the age. They’re becoming humans and testing boundaries.
12.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
Yes. I agree she is testing us to our breaking point. She starts kindergarten in September full days and I'm really hoping that helps. She loved preschool, I got a report card in and it was all positive things from her teacher. So I am happy she does well when she isn't with us, I'm hoping she will do better going full days a good routine will be in place at least. ❤️
12.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
@onthegomomma, same thing here. Part of it is their mentality and emotional reservoir are growing at this age, and it’s hard to adjust to
12.07.2021 Нравится Ответить
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