Please any moms out there going through what i am going through, I need help with my almost 5 year old daughter. I do not know what to do anymore, she is so mouthy, throws fits, I took her tablet away for over a week and a half, im doing time outs when she isn't listening. Im taking a positive parenting class because im tired of yelling and constantly feeling defeated. Im not sure what more i can do, any advice on what you do with your kids would be great. Nothing really seems to faze my daughter anymore, it's like she doesn't care. I know alot of it is just me in my feelings, and she is a good kid she listens to anyone that isnt me or my husband. So im not failing completely. Please no negative comments, I just need positive ones im emotional as it's lately. I should note that we do family time, we have family outings. She goes without nothing essential wise. But any positive pointers on what works for you in your household discipline wise would be appreciated. Xo