I Live in Michigan and am immuncompromised my daughter is in half day pre-school three days a week..cases are sky rocketing in michigan right now. My husband and I are struggling with if we should pull her or not. I get my last dose of pfizer next weds. I know it takes a couple of weeks to fully be vaccinated. Such stressful times currently we live in. My daughter wears a mask at school, she loves it so much. Times are tough idk if i should let her continue to go or pull her out to protect her from this bad wave of cases. 😓🥺 Anyone else struggling right now? Please no negativity!!

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I am so sorry to hear this😨
It is up to you, really. I just do not lallygag with this virus at all.

Our county decided to let kids go in person since the ending of last month and guess what? Cases are starting to rise and they are sending out warnings about in reased cases in kids school aged which are spreading to families😒
Kids in class are not really even following the guidelines but hey, they are kids. I can not imagine what the teachers are going through.
I hear dd’s teacher stopping the class every dam hour.

We still do remote.
14.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
Michigan here too 🙋‍♀️
It is definitely scary. There have been cases at my son’s school and at my work. I was fortunate enough to have gotten my vaccine back in Jan/Feb, but still the cases rising so drastically is alarming. You need to do what is best for your family, and that may be a pause in her pre-school. Good luck with your decision 💜
14.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
Yes I get my last dose next Weds and my husband got the J&J before they decided to halt it. Thanks for being so kind. Times are tough right now. I just want to keep her safe as well as my self.
14.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
Honey, that's an extremely tough place to be, Michigan is such a hot spot right now. I would pull her until two weeks after your second vax, I read that's when you're 90% immune.
14.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
It's so heartbreaking she loves it so much. But yes I'm gonna chat with the school about pulling her for a couple of weeks and see what happens afterwards.
14.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
@onthegomomma you have to protect yourself first. She will totally forget about a 3 week break from daycare, but she needs her mom healthy more. <3
14.04.2021 Нравится Ответить
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