Melinda Westad
Anyone have a toddler that refuses to go to bed at night? For the past 3 weeks my son has been refusing bedtime and it’s a battle every night. He won’t put his head on the pillow so he can keep himself awake. Normally his dad just lays in bed with him til he falls asleep but all of a sudden he won’t go to sleep and he comes up with 100 reasons why he can’t lay down yet.

He still naps but often at school he refuses to nap and will lay there awake for 2 hours. Then he’ll fall asleep in the car on the way home or just skip his nap completely.

I can’t really put him to bed earlier because he and his sister have the same routine and since he refuses bedtime he drags it out for as long as he can.

I’m hoping this is a phase because it wasn’t a problem before.
3 года

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Definitely a sleep regression around this age. Stick to routine. I know some people have had luck with sticker charts/rewards. I always let my son pick two books at night and when those are done it’s time for lights out. I never stray from bed times, it’s always 8 lol sometimes 830 on weekends. With their ages it might be better to do an earlier routine for him, esp if not napping. He might just be super overtired by bed time.

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Definitely a sleep regression around this age. Stick to routine. I know some people have had luck with sticker charts/rewards. I always let my son pick two books at night and when those are done it’s time for lights out. I never stray from bed times, it’s always 8 lol sometimes 830 on weekends. With their ages it might be better to do an earlier routine for him, esp if not napping. He might just be super overtired by bed time.

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We have a routine that includes 2 books too, but he always comes up with ways to stay up. Yeah I was thinking to separate their routines but I guess I’d have to try it to see if it helps.

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@2sweetie, my son did this. Was suddenly hungry, needed water, etc. I just told him no. Kitchen is closed, I don’t make the rules. Yes he cried, and at 3 I would let him cry. They push strong strong boundaries at that age and I just didn’t give in. Does he have his own room?

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@momgroupreject, yes he sleeps in his own room. If he cries we just let him, but he gets hysterical and stands up and won’t lay down. Eventually he gives up but I just hate letting him get so upset before bed because I know he’s tired.

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