Has anyone had 1 child and decided nomore but feel guilty?
I have an almost 3 yo, best thing ever, and my OHs daughter is 13 now. Immediately OH wanted another baby but i had PND and didn't want to go through it again. When i was younger i always wanted a 3 year gap. But my OH said no more once he is 40, which hes just turned. Last year was make or break, i was due to find out if my work contract went permnant and then we could try, but they never made me perm.
I realised our lifestyle isn't really conducive to a "family". My OH always talks about "when things are normal again" rather than accepting this is our life now. He wants spontaneous trips and just doesn't understand that isn't possible when you need to make sure you have fed your toddler, toileted and packed a million things. We went to a nature reserve yesterday for a 2 hour walk, it wasn't meant to be 2 hours but it was muddy as hell and we got lost and i just thought what a ridiculous idea it was. And how much more I'd hate it if i had to drag more children around with me, not to mention EVERYTHING is my responsibility. And now i feel bad that my LO will probably always have to be dragged around unwillingly to half-baked ideas of days out without even having to share the fun/crap day with a sibling. My relationship is rocky at the best of times as some of you know, but even if i was ever to leave i I wouldn't want another child in a different relationship, there is must too much of that in my family already. I just find myself so resentful of peoppe announcing their 2nd baby
With all your concerns which you openly admit on here regularly, having another child at this point isn't going to make things better for anyone. It would only make things harder for everyone.