C. Delaney
Seeking opinions...
I am a teacher teaching virtually for the entire school year and currently 19 weeks pregnant. Our school district is offering the Moderna vaccine to all employees beginning as soon as tomorrow. Would you get it?
I already asked the nurse practitioner I see for prenatal appointments and she said to get the vaccine as soon as it’s available to me so I’m not seeking medical advice, obviously. Just wanted to get some opinions. If you have reputable sources of information on the topic, please send them my way. There’s a lot of contradictory information out there which is making this a very difficult decision.
3.2 года

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Nope not while I'm pregnant. Have you spoken to your ob about it? My fertility specialist and high ob said to stay away from it for now. There haven't been any studies on pregnant women....from what I understand they won't even allow pregnant women to receive it.

3.2 года Нравится Ответить



If I was pregnant, I would get it. I work in healthcare so I’m all for it.

3.2 года Нравится Ответить

I’m not pregnant but my doctor said his wife who is pregnant will get it. To me it speaks volumes.

3.2 года Нравится Ответить

I was told that ACOG and the Society for MFM both recommend it to pregnant women. However, with you teaching virtually then I would personally hold off. If you were in-person then I would consider it given how few safety measures and how little PPE we have for teachers. (I’m an educator myself.) Since you’re able to not be around large groups of kids and other adults then I would wait.

3.2 года Нравится Ответить

So I’m all for the vaccine, but I would wait until after birth personally.

3.2 года Нравится Ответить

My OB recommended against it while pregnant because there aren't enough studies.
I don't even get the flu shot so I'm not going to get the covid shot either.

3.2 года Нравится Ответить

I wouldn't think you COULD get it while pregnant. I'm not pregnant so I haven't researched it from that angle though. I DEF would get a second medical opinion before just gettin it though. There will be time for you to get it afterwards, I would think. It's most certainly somethin I'd research to DEATH before making a decision.

3.2 года Нравится Ответить

Absolutely not. I find it odd they would even push the vaccine especially since there are no studies on it

3.2 года Нравится Ответить

I would get it, but not while pregnant.

3.2 года Нравится Ответить

Hey Mama! I won't be getting it while pregnant. I will have to find the study I read but it said during the trials, because they were so quick and short termed compared to normal, that they weren't tested on pregnant women and therefore the outcome of taking during pregnancy was unknown. Check out the WHO, CDC, WEBMd, NIH. All of these have long been hailed as reputable. Obviously, even reputable websites have their misguidance on this topic due to the lack of time for proper research. But, based on my current knowledge we are holding off on the vaccine for now. I am very cautious as you know, especially since A1's situation way back, and during pregnancy that goes even higher. I won't even use medicine that is deemed safe for pregnancy unless truly needed. Idk if you know this, but A was born with a medical birth defect. Though I can't prove it I believe it is from being prescribed an antibiotic in the first trimester. Too many unknowns. Sadly, there are risks with every decision we make. I hope whatever you decide has only positive affects on you and baby.

3.2 года Нравится Ответить

Nope not while I'm pregnant. Have you spoken to your ob about it? My fertility specialist and high ob said to stay away from it for now. There haven't been any studies on pregnant women....from what I understand they won't even allow pregnant women to receive it.

3.2 года Нравится Ответить

I agree. Though I can't cite anything off the top of my head, I have read several articles and studies about this, and each one has said not to take it if you are pregnant or highly susceptible to allergies or reactions to possible allergens.

3.2 года Нравится Ответить

I agree here. In my state my job is in the next tier to get the vaccine. I’m holding off until more research is out on pregnancy and fertility.

3.2 года Нравится Ответить