I think my daughter is trying to tell me something.. lol. She keeps also telling everyone that I am pregnant when I am not. My husband and I have discussed trying for our last baby next year, but my daughter is adamant on me having one on her birthday month in August. Anyone else have toddlers that did this and ended up pregnant?? I have read up on the old wives tale about kids looking through their legs and it means looking for a sibling or that a baby is on the way.
My daughter has been telling everyone for over a year that I’m having a baby. Now she tells them “For real, I’m going to be a big sister” since it’s finally the truth. 😂
Lol it was so awkward when she told my dad and step mom and they were questioning me. I said I am not pregnant lol. But yes my daughter loves to tell everyone she is gonna be a big sister. I'm like girlfriend I am not pregnant I just had a period. But maybe one day. 😂❤️