I work mon-fri and my sister has LO 2 days a week, and he goes nursery 3 days but those 2 days he is at home he is just bouncing off the walls then doesnt sleep at night. We dont have a garden and we live on a main road so i dont like my sister taking him out as there is a car accident almost daily, he has tonnes of toys, indoor slide, big bike etc just don't know what to do to wear him out
3.4 года

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Sounds like her needs a good long walk on those days. It’s hard when raining but a rain coat and some wellies and he will love it then home for a hot chocolate. It is really hard. My daughters like this sometimes usually during the summer holidays and I’m working from home so we haven’t done a lot during the day. I try take my longer working days off as a holiday and my short days I’ll finish early for a walk. I also would cut certain foods out and drinks out after a certain time. On school nights my daughter gets a treat after her dinner which is usually 4.30 for her and that’s her no more sugar for the night. Occasionally at weekends she get a hot chocolate. It sends her up the walls 😂😂😂😂

3.4 года Нравится Ответить



Sounds like her needs a good long walk on those days. It’s hard when raining but a rain coat and some wellies and he will love it then home for a hot chocolate. It is really hard. My daughters like this sometimes usually during the summer holidays and I’m working from home so we haven’t done a lot during the day. I try take my longer working days off as a holiday and my short days I’ll finish early for a walk. I also would cut certain foods out and drinks out after a certain time. On school nights my daughter gets a treat after her dinner which is usually 4.30 for her and that’s her no more sugar for the night. Occasionally at weekends she get a hot chocolate. It sends her up the walls 😂😂😂😂

3.4 года Нравится Ответить

I'm tier 3 so not open 😔 all our local parks are all vandalised, we've been to some but it always rains! X

3.4 года Нравится Ответить

Soft plays probably won't be open but the parks are xx

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