Kety 🌸
Kety 🌸
👩🏻 I'm 21 & a mother of two princesses 👑✨,
A feisty two year old little girl named Khloe 👧🏻
& a my baby girl named Kenzie 👶🏻

Soon to be wife to an amazing man, Issie 💋. He's raised my little makoiee since she was 2 months old, & no matter what, that is her Papi & she'll let you know she's a daddy's girl 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧
I'm beyond grateful to have such a perfect man in my life 🙏🏼

Everything I get is earned by hard work and dedication 💪🏼 I might not be where I want to right now in life, but I'm slowly getting there 💯

Follow me why not? I'm pretty cool 💁🏻

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