Dude fuk him total narssasist move he’s needs serious help... I hope u slam his ass with child support pronto there no excuse for his action he’s disgusting I’m sorry hun better now then 10 yrs
I'm not sure if California is a one party consent state, if it is, start recording all of your convos. There's an app that you can use to record phone calls, and the caller won't know
Leave him and never look back. Anyone who talks/acts this way with the person they “love” is TRASH. (I mean the cheating in general too)
You’re worth so much more.
Babygirl you don’t need a man like that. You deserve the world plus more. Let it go. Right now family should be by you. Get your self healthy and walk away. One day you’ll fine true happiness. You are strong hun.
I'm so sorry. Please leave. Please leave and never look back. Call the girl and tell her to get tested, too. I know that won't be an easy thing to do but you're the bigger person. I wish I could give you a big hug.