Retta Rodriguez
The parts coming from the lady who worked for them. Thats knowledge coming straight from the horses mouth. IF ONLY PEOPLE WOULD STOP SEEING COLOR AND JUST COME TOGETHER. THEY NOT SEEING COLOR THEY SEEING WEALTHY AND POOR. THEY WATCHING US FIGHT AND FEEDING US BS. I BELIEVE IT . 😐 i feel no one is gonna get it until its to late.

3.7 года

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Got distracted by my girls mid video and forgot to come back. There is so much unknown to our current position in history. I agree with you that we need to transcend color and realize that our biggest problem is our ugly fighting back and forth. If we are kept separate we are easier to control than if we love and work together. I'll link arms and take to the fight with you if you'll fight with me, not against me. I don't care the "color or race" of someone. I care about their heart and the personal value made up by who you are within. Love and hugs mama!

3.7 года Нравится Ответить



Got distracted by my girls mid video and forgot to come back. There is so much unknown to our current position in history. I agree with you that we need to transcend color and realize that our biggest problem is our ugly fighting back and forth. If we are kept separate we are easier to control than if we love and work together. I'll link arms and take to the fight with you if you'll fight with me, not against me. I don't care the "color or race" of someone. I care about their heart and the personal value made up by who you are within. Love and hugs mama!

3.7 года Нравится Ответить

@albertrettazariah1386 Hello! DH was going to drop it off to her on his way to work but forgot, so I have to go to Lowe's down by where she lives tomorrow and will take it. I'ma feel so bad handing it to her and not hugging her since we still have a few days of quarantine left but look forward to her coming over next week. Thanks for the kindness and concern. I really appreciate it!! Hope you're have a great day!!!

3.7 года Нравится Ответить

@xryztalroze hello 😊 it is a sucky situation but it will be okay im sure she will understand. Also its no problem im always here. Hugs🤗

3.7 года Нравится Ответить

@albertrettazariah1386 Thank you!!! 🥰

3.7 года Нравится Ответить

Watching now...

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