Tanya Tanaka
Tanya Tanaka
Help help help!!! My 2.5 year old is going to make me explode. I don't know what to do. Everytime she asks for something and wants something she wants it now! I will tell her 1 second, please wait till mommy's done going pee, when I'm done ill get it, trying to get her attention on something else, driving and she takes her shoes off and I can't reach them etc. So she will ask and ask and ask and after 2 or 3 times asking without getting it right away she screams at the top of her lungs. She throws her body on the floor and whips it around kicking and hitting whatever's around her. I have let her scream it out and have her fit and calmly talk to her, explain, time out, ignoring etc. She will not stop screaming and throwing the fit till she gets what she wants. She works herself up so bad she throws up so I can't just let her have the tantrum. This happens like 20 times a day. With her brothers, with me or with anyone who doesn't give her what she wants. I'm about to rip my hair out!

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Keep strong and don't give in. Stick to your guns. It will take time and she will eventually get it but she has to mature and grow mama. She will learn with time. It's not easy but she is a baby and needs consistent strategy from you. Mine do the same and there are days I want to throw in the towel. My four year old is finally learning what "just a minute" means and can finally stay calm waiting for a few minutes. Hugs mama. You're not alone.
16.07.2020 Нравится Ответить
@xryztalroze big time. She's quite advanced so I forget at times also.
17.07.2020 Нравится Ответить
@iamwhoiam124 Yes, that's my little girl. Even their ped says that she is advanced and that once she is 4 they will have her tested to see if she is gifted. My 4 yo on the other hand is a bit slow, so is scheduled for testing to see if she needs extra help or will catch up on her own.
17.07.2020 Нравится Ответить
@xryztalroze wow eh what a difference. I was testes when I was young and was advanced so it would make sense. She talks like an adult. Can count to 29. Knows all her ABC's and colours and animals etc sing every nursery rhyme. Get herself dressed. Play matching games and puzzles. Change the tv to her shows and open diff apps and games on my phone. It's nuts lol I could go on for days
17.07.2020 Нравится Ответить
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