Moms - need your help! I’m 10 weeks and got a call from midwife yesterday for my first scan next week, I’ll be 11wks. I can’t even begin to tell you how anxious I am.. so worried and praying so hard that all will be ok. Plus I have to go alone cause of covid, which makes it worse! How on earth did you all get through that first scan? I don’t know how I’ll sleep for the next week.. please help!!

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You will be fine its not as scary as you think! Take some hand sanitizer with you as well as wear a mask so you knoe your safe and stay away from people. This should help you feeling better. Aswell as just try thinking about your baby how your going to see him or her fir the first time.
13.06.2020 Нравится Ответить
Well...first, if you nervous, it affects to your baby - think about helth of your sweetie in bump😊second, try to think about something...may be, what the book you want to read before your baby will born or what to make for dinner)
We all understand your worries about first scan, but imagine how she or he is beautiful and will smile to you on the screen♥think positive, you have to for your baby😍
13.06.2020 Нравится Ответить
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