Retta Rodriguez
My mom came and picked up my oldest 3 kids ... 2 weeks ago mind you it's a 6 hrs drive. She said she wanted to spend time with them , she could handle it. So I said okay they would get to meet my side of the family back home..she has called me everyday since telling me something new that she can't believe my kids done . Yesterday she asked me to send her money 😂 because they eat too much of certain food an
Use to many diapers..😆🤣. Then she tells me that my to toddlers are mean and fight alot. Then she starts fussing telling me I got to many kids ☠. Added she keeps my brothers 4 kids at times too all under 13. 🤷‍♀️ what was she thinking lmao Grandma Got the blues rn.
3.9 года

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You BETTA bring Gram some booze when it's time to pick up them babies!! Lol! She'll have earned it!! Say, "I'll trade ya all the goodies in this bag for 3 of them kids in there"! Haha!!

3.9 года Нравится Ответить



You BETTA bring Gram some booze when it's time to pick up them babies!! Lol! She'll have earned it!! Say, "I'll trade ya all the goodies in this bag for 3 of them kids in there"! Haha!!

3.9 года Нравится Ответить

Right it will be well earned. I'm sure she would gladly trade.

3.9 года Нравится Ответить