Question freaking out my back always hurts like lower and behind my boobs also my ribs hurt like underneath and the bone in between the sternum I can feel and sometimes painful and get pain in breasts every now and then, I'm really skinny and have had 2 kids one is 3 and one is 1 and weighed 8.7 and 10.4, does anyone else experience this, my boyfriend sais my boobs feels normal I mean they feel lumpy etc like boney but I am really skinny hope this makes sense

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No lol just normal for my size but I know it hurts around we're my bra goes the underneath bit X
18.04.2020 Нравится Ответить
Do you have big boobs for your frame? Maybe need a better support bra hun 😊 xx
17.04.2020 Нравится Ответить
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