Has any one had a copper coil fitted in I had it done 3 weeks ago straight after was spotting on and off theb started my period on the 9th March since then until now I'm still on my period does any one no how long this will go for 😥 I know they say bleeding can go on for a longer period. I'm waiting for a call back form my gp to ask if this is normal or what ....

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Did you speak with your doctor? I had it fitted the 16th of Feb, I didn't bleed afterwards for a week n then I went to my gp cos I was worrying it had moved or something so got it checked over n it hadnt but after that soon as I came home it started n it stayed for about 3 weeks or abit more n has just recently stopped. Everyone is different but I think it's 6months that's when it usually settles down it will either stop completely or you'll just be monthly no spotting inbetween. Xx
16.03.2020 Нравится Ответить
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