Tammy Ariel
anyone have a toddler boy that is not bad af? every little boy my daughter encounters is always trying to push her down, not share and throw stuff at her. it's annoying but I know they are just kids and only do what their parents allow. my daughter isn't really used to being around other little kids and she gets tired of them quickly. I dont want to isolate her but at the same time I dont want her getting hurt and picking up nasty behaviors.
4.1 года

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Pretty sure all kids have their asshole days, girl or boy 🤷‍♀️ I'll say it. And at two they are still learning to share and play nice.

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My son has 2 girl cousins born within 6 weeks of him and he plays well with them and even other kids he mainly just watches them. He can be rough mainly when a kid takes something from him or tries to tell him not to do something. Lol

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

My son is an angel. My daughter is the devil 😂

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

Mine is such a gentleman. He prefers to play with girls a lot of time because they’re typically gentler. He’s rough with his dad, but he’s a big lover.

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I have 3 son’s they have never pushed children down ,they don’t throw toys at children”and for the parent that just sat there and yelled stop , they need to do a better job and show them to be nice and kind to other’s and to animals also !

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

Both of my boys are great around other children, they're such sweethearts. If the kids get rough and try to hurt them, they seem to take it and never react. If I'm there I pull them away from the situation. Now when it's just them two together they are crazy and rough house alot

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

my daughter just takes it too and it's so heartbreaking because she never has and probably would never do those things to another kid. she just wants everyone to be playing and happy

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

Pretty sure all kids have their asshole days, girl or boy 🤷‍♀️ I'll say it. And at two they are still learning to share and play nice.

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

true I just dont understand the violence part. like should kids pushing other kids to the point where they almost bust their heads be normalized just because they are small?

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

@tammyarielc that's where teaching comes in to play.. you can always take your child out of the situation if need be. They're learning to play and control their own emotions at this age 🤣 nobody is normalizing anything.

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

@bodybycheetos yeah I'm thinking about just not letting my daughter play with a specific boy anymore. he is so sweet and nice at first next thing I know he's being a little butt. he pulled her down twice today and she hit her head both times while his mom was just like "stop" that's what I meant by normalizing. part of me wants to be like it's just a kids thing but the other part is feeling like parents dont correct these behaviors because they think its what's supposed to happen

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

I was bullied in school only by boys. The girls I never had an issue with — boys can also be drama. I was never dramatic as a teen but one of my male cousins sure was. 🤷🏻‍♀️

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

Children between 1-3 are still learning how to play appropriately. They don't really understand how to share and are quick to get frustrated. Boys and girls both. My daughter was a biter and aggressive around 2 because she couldn't hear in one ear and had a severe language delay. The other children didn't know that and reacted to her age appropriately. Everyone has good and bad days. When my daughter settled down and was on the other side of it I just taught her patience and told her to move away from people when they were having a bad day.

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

My son is the opposite of that he’s super loving he’s helpful if he sees the kids crying he rubs their back and says it’s OK he’s always really loved kids! And he’s extra sweet on girls 😂😂

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

My son is a total sweetheart. He likes to play rough with his daddy, but with other kids, he’s shy and sweet. I worry about other kids being mean to him and hurting his feelings at school because he has such a kind little heart.

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

aww that's how I feel about my daughter. she knows nothing about being mean to other kids or pushing or anything like that so when it's done to her it's like it's taking away some of her innocence

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

My son is pretty kind so far. He loves to give hugs, hopefully that doesn’t change lol

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

that's great. it's good to know there are some sweet little boys out there

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