At a loss on what to do with formula. We first started off with enfamil gentlease and she hated it her poops were super runny and she was extremely fussy crying all day so we switched to alimentum because that what my oldest was on when younger and it worked really good for him at the time she didn’t care for it and I didn’t see a huge change besides her stools were more together and not so weird and runny, so I gave gentlease another try within 2 days I couldn’t handle it and took her off immediately and switched her to enfamil sensitive witch helps with lactose sensitivity and her poops were good but she was still a bit fussy and her face got really dry almost like an eczema flare up so I ended up putting her back on alimentum and we’ve been on it for a month now. When we were on enfamil sensitive and the gentlease she ate so good on it I didn’t have to force her to eat it she was eating 3-4 oz every 3 hours. Well since on alimentum as of last week she was only eating 2 oz every 2 oz so her dr adviced I up her nipple size to a 2 so I did that but she will only eat anywhere from 2-3 mostly 2 or 2 1/2 oz. I really don’t want to keep changing her formulas up but if I have to then I have to. What would you do? Sorry this post is extremely long. Also she is thriving and gaining weight just fine she is almost 10 weeks and is 13lbs
4.1 года

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I would just stick with the alimentum at this point. Switching so often is just going to upset her stomach even more. I'd give it a month or so for her to adjust to it. As long as she's gaining weight it's fine for her to not eat as much. She'll let you know if she's hungry.

4.1 года Нравится Ответить



Please do good luck for u an your little one

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

We had a similar problem with ours! My daughter was on nutramagein so we tried that with my son too after his bad acid reflux and it didnt agree with him. His doctor put him on alimentum and it didnt agree with him either. We tried 4 before we found one that worked and that was Gerber good start in the purple writing container.
That's just our story and yours is different, love. You're absolutely doing the right thing by brining it up to her pedi. I hope she finds relief soon ❤❤❤

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

@mommyof32019, okay you have me like 90% convinced to try it! Was her poops the same on the allimentum and the Gerber?

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

@mommakaylax3 yes they was

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

@mommyof32019, that’s good to know! I’ll keep you updated!

4.1 года Нравится Ответить

I would just stick with the alimentum at this point. Switching so often is just going to upset her stomach even more. I'd give it a month or so for her to adjust to it. As long as she's gaining weight it's fine for her to not eat as much. She'll let you know if she's hungry.

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