The A-Z challenge! Give it a go ladies!

A- Age: 31
B- Biggest fear: Spiders, and someone breaking in, in the middle of the night!
C- Current time: 12:30pm
D- Drink you last had: Water
E- Every day starts with: Getting the kids ready and myself for work and daycare.
F- Favorite song : I have a lot
G- Ghosts, are they real?: Hmmm yes and no?
H- Hometown: Chico, CA
I- In love with: My Husband, and my children!
J- Jealous of: woman who can eat anything and never gain any weight.
K- Killed anyone: Nope
L- Last time you cried? Yesterday
M- Middle name: Anise
N- Number of siblings: 2 Brothers
O- One wish: To be financially set for life!
P- Person you last called: My mom
R- Reason to smile: My Children
S- Song last sang: Don't remember
T- Time you woke up: 2, 4, 8. Hospitals no fun!
U- Underwear color: Black
V- Vacation Destination: Hawaii
W- Worst habit: My phobe
Y- Your favorite food: Pasta
X- X-Rays you've had: My teeth, hand, leg, chest
Z- Zodiac sign: Libra
4.2 года

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