I'm scheduled for my tubal litigation on Friday and leading up to it I've been asking my husband is he 100% sure and he's said yes Everytime.

Last night he held my stomach (like he did when I was pregnant) when I was laying in bed holding my son beside me... I asked him why he did that and he said no reason.. I'm starting to think that he's not 100%.

Am I reading into this too much? Or do you think he's really done?

Note: our son is his first

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I'd wait a little longer if I were you only because from what you said that your son is his first & minds can always change later on. I was SO set on having my tubes tied after my son, we swore up & down we were done. Just last year our minds changed & here we are today lol.
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
Lol yeah I'm thinking that now with everyone's insight. Thank you!
If you don't mind me asking, what is your age range? My husband is 40. Idk when he's planning to circle back later 😂🤣
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
@rese I'm 25 & my husband is 29, we orginally were going to try again when I turned 30 but I rather have them now & get it over with lol plus they all get to grow up together you know?! I know a few older women & men who had more children later lol. Who knows when your son gets older, he might look at him like damn one more won't hurt lol.
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
@spicydisaster, yeah I'm 27. But he's already stated dang I'm going to be 50 when my son is 10. He's not really at the age to circle back at 60/70 wanting a kid 😂😂😂. That's why I originally said if we did we'd have to have another NOW. Once my son is potty trained and all. That's it for me. A strong no lol
He doesn't want any right now and said well then we're done
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
I would say try getting the nexplannon or another more permanent birth control and by the time it's time to get that replaced/removed (nexplannon is 5 years) you'll know for sure if your done.
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
I've had the nexplanon and I had to get it removed because my body didn't tolerate it well. I refuse to get an iud. Too many bad stories and my nexplanon moved so I'm scared that will happen
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
How do you feel about another? Like without him wanting another, would you want another?

I'd sit him down for a conversation and explain you feel like he may be having second thoughts.
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
I honestly was okay with just my daughter. I'm happy we had my son though! I think I'm okay either way... I don't want another but if he does i wouldn't be opposed to it.. If that makes sense 🤔

I never set out with a number in mind of how many kids I would want , I do have a daughter and son and that's all I could ever ask for! My daughter to have a sibling and to have a brother as I didn't have one.

I will. He's not being too open about his feelings. Just saying he's done. To be fair, he does have work stress going on right now.
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
I’d talk to him again have a long talk about it, to make sure because it’s not really something he change his mind about once it’s done.
It could be it’s too soon And he may feel like he is done because your son is still a baby. I didn’t feel like I wanted another until my son was over a year old.
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
@rese, yeah, I would just tell him since it’s coming up quick you want to make sure you’re doing the right thing and that you’re both 100 percent sure. I kind of want to have one but my husband gives me mixed emotions on it also. So I am gonna have to have the same talk with him. Lol
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
@michellemybell09, I'll try and ask him like every night until Thursday 😂🤣
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
@rese, lmao! Better safe then sorry 😅
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
Yes make sure you talk fully and openly about it before anything gets done!!
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
I'll try to Crack him lol he just keeps saying that he's done
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
@rese, I know me and my husband discussed it some and at first he was ok then he wanted more, I didn’t. I had it done when my last was born and he was upset for awhile that I’d had it done anyways. Now we are both ok with what was done but I do feel bad I didn’t get into his feelings more
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
@supermomof4, yeah and see I'm trying to keep his feelings top of mind because I know that our son is his first and I've given birth twice lol he literally waited to get remarried to have children, so idk. If we had a daughter I know he'd be ready to have another now😂
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
It sounds like you guys need to have a talk just to be super sure. It can be very difficult, expensive, and painful to reverse the procedure.
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
I've tried to talk to him but it seems like that’s all he keeps saying. I think he’s against the health stuff like pre e and an emergency csection. To go through that again more so. Our baby is only 4 months now so maybe he may change his mind later. 🤔

It's hard because I'm done. But I'd have another if he REALLY wants another. I don't want it to be an issue in our marriage later on or something.
20.01.2020 Нравится Ответить
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