Tiffany Eason
I'm a married mother of 4 and feel Like a single mother. I take the kids to school, go to work (8 hour shift) monday through friday. Pick them up from after school and daycare then go home. Clean, cook and give the little ones a bath and put them to bed all the while they father is home all day sleep (literally), watching TV or either playing his game. He works nights 3 days out the week I ask for a little bit of help from time to time literally like once in the blue. But I get called lazy when I announce I'm tired.

I'm so over it 😞😔 am I bugging???
4.2 года

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Hand him a 🧹 your Not the Maid ! In my home we both work and we all clean ,I teach also my sons by 4the grade how to do their own laundry,

4.2 года Нравится Ответить



Deal breaker. This man does not respect you.

4.2 года Нравится Ответить

Quit your job see how likes that 😂

4.2 года Нравится Ответить

Tell him he can be in your shoes for a week or hell maybe a month or so and see whose lazy. He only works 3 days out of the week and calls you lazy dude needs a good kick in the ass for that one

4.2 года Нравится Ответить

Hand him a 🧹 your Not the Maid ! In my home we both work and we all clean ,I teach also my sons by 4the grade how to do their own laundry,

4.2 года Нравится Ответить

Stop cleaning up after him let his dishes stack, clothes stack up, ect. Only do them if absolutely necessary. Give him a bowl, plate, cup, fork,spoon and knife. Tell him that's his to use all week and his obligation to clean. He doesn't clean it, he doesn't get a clean one.

4.2 года Нравится Ответить

He can get up his ass and atlese clean and start preparing super 🤦🏽‍♀️

4.2 года Нравится Ответить