so I've been in a bit of a rough patch the past month and a half, with work, my daughter and financial issues. I have been paying 400$ a week in rent at an extended stay motel for the past 13 months (built like a 2 bedroom apartment with a full kitchen) but 6 weeks ago work had been extremely slow (I'm a waitress) and I couldn't make enough to pay it so I've been fighting the eviction and up until yesterday I had no clue what I was going to do or where me and my daughter we're going to go.
An angel from my past popped up (a friend I've known since 4th grade) she offered for me and my Karebear to move in with her, into her spare room and only have to pay 50$ a week. Just until I get back on my feet, and it just so happens that she has a son who is a few months younger than Karen. So not only do we have a safe place to live but Karen also has someone her age to play with!
I've never been so greatful in my life because not even my own sister would let us stay with her longer than 2 days. All I can say is thank God for her opening up her home to us.