Gabrielle Freidly
Gabrielle Freidly
Can I just say something? I see this alot on my feed and it's a topic I heavily deal with myself...Bringing a child into this world is a true blessing, but so many parents that are split seem to lose that sense of thought and a blessing turns into a possession, like the child is apart of one and not the other... When you have a child, its half of two. How can you proclaim so much love for your child when you can't respect half of who your child is (the other parent). This generation is so focused on blaming, accusing and making the other parent look bad because of what happened in the past, this generation claims to want the best for their child/children but not realizing what the child needs. The child/children need respect,love, support (emotionally and financially) , when you bash the other parent that's disrespect for your child that's not only huring them emotionally but also teaching them to loose respect for other people throughout their life, not to mention that's a lack of supportin their growing emotions. When you claim to give the shirt of your back for your child but a little portion of your paycheck is too much , you're not realizing how much it is just to support the needs of the child/children(In the past I've given up my car, phone, makeup ect. Just to keep a roof over my daughters head and food on the table). But most of all when split parents bring another spouse into the family, the spouse holds just as much responsibility. If you're a spouse of a single parent you need to respect the other parent... Respect boundries but most of all respect in a loving way, talk positive about the other parent, respect them behind their backs, what happened between your spouse and the other parent is between them not you. Whatever happened happened way before you. Dont base your opinion on your spouses grudge. Let me just say this, my parents kept what was between them between them... they always respected each other in front of me and when I disrespected one parent in front of the other my parents would correct me and tell me I should have respect for the other, now that I'm older I dont have a relationship with my father but my mom never gave me her opinion about my dad she let me figure out who he was on my own. I'm thankful for my parents. My step mom and mom have such a good friendship and I love both SO much, I'm so thankful for how they still talk to each other me being 22 years old. I'm so thankful for how well my boyfriend and his ex wife co parent, I love his kids so much... I occasionally talk to his ex wife about the kids. I may not be best friends with her (I'm just getting to know her) but what I can say is I have SO much respect for her, shes a beyond amazing mom to her two kids. Now wether you believe in god or not, you should always be respectful and show love... My one prayer for today is that my daughters generation has more respect and love for each other than today's. I pray that even with things go different as planned that they can unite with love. I think our generation can learn more respect and love...

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this is amazing and so true
but it has nothing to do with this generation this has happened forever
30.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
Love this so much! Seeing it from both sides. Me now as a single parent (who has recently started dating). Coming from a split home. And being the new spouse in a split home. Respect goes around and it’s all about how you act in front of the children.
30.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
30.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
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