Also, I always bf my babies, any one exclusively pumped, I’m thinking about only pumping this time around. If so, how does exclusively pumping works because the baby always brought in milk plus I waited months before even needing to pump.

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Pump right after you have the baby. The hospital will have a pump too so baby gets colostrum. Pump every 2 to 3 hours.
25.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
I couldn’t get any colostrum out only the baby could, I was told it was like trying to pump out honey cause it so thick. Again still on the fence about nursing this time around, thanks so much for this info
27.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
@blessedtobeamommy that's not true. Babies all the time. Especially in the NICU recieved pumped colostrum. I hope everything works out. PM me if you'd like.
27.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
@lareina_kk, I thought of that and know the NICU mommas (I was one as well... but pumped literally a few drops) seem to get it out though ... I wasn’t as fortunate but I had a very trying pregnancy that time around so I’m thinking it was more that than anything ... thanks a bun chi for your reply
30.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
I'm exclusively pumping and the first months I latch baby but not all feeds cuz I was busy and she just stop latching at 5 months but I started the first month pumping every 2 hours by second months I pump every 3 hours and by 3 months I was too exhausted at night or went out and it got late for pump so was pumping every 3-4 hours. Just be careful cuz exclusively pumping gets u higher risk for mastitis and I got it last month and I was so painful. I'm weaning down cuz I no longer able to wake up at night for pumping and I do not want to get mastitis again. I have 3 alarms to wake me up at night pumping and I dont hear it no more and ova sleep. It's very exhausting and time consuming. Have a lot of respect for those that do it for a long period of time. I want to do it till 1 year but I'm so sleepy all the time I need my sleep. Plus I'm close to 3,000.0 oz frozen milk so will be using that as soon as I'm not pumping enuf for her or dry up. I would also recommend the spectra S2 pump. With oldest use medela pump and didnt like it.
25.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
Wow that’s a lot... every two hours and baby would eat about that also every two to three hours. Ugh... this is tough cause I def need my sleep for health reasons and I bf all my previous babies for a while. I got mastitis with my first and YES it hurts and is a mess to deal with!!! Even got tiny area with this last one nursing but not as bad as my first. Still on the fence about nursing at this point. Thank you so much for info
27.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
@blessedtobeamommy yes they told me to feed the baby first then pump but sometimes she was asleep by 2 hours so had to pump and by the time she woke up i just pump. It is very tiring and that's why I'm stopping this early I need my sleep. I have to wake up from 6-6:30am to get my oldest ready for school. I was just sleeping 2-4 hours the first month my baby was born. Now 5-7 depending but its be more like 5. Man that's horrible. That makes me not want to breastfeed never again. I cryed the second day of mastitis. Its horrible. Ur a champ for breastfeeding the second and planning this baby coming too.
27.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
@supergurl_82, yes sleep is critical for me especially with a toddler and my health. I have the support but sleep is a commodity that can’t be replaced so easily for me specifically cause my health and horrible sleep habits to begin with, thanks a bunch for your reply.
30.11.2019 Нравится Ответить
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