Hey mammas! My son will be 2 months on Saturday and is 9ibs. He goes to his 2 month apt Tuesday. We weigh him on our scale now we know that isn’t completely right way to do it but that is the only way at home to weigh him with one of us holding him. He’s growing but not gaining weight since his last apt. I’m breast feeding with some formula what else can we do to get his weight up. We are starting to get worried at his last apt beginning of oct he was 8ib 15 oz and yesterday when we weighed him at home he was 9ibs
4.5 года

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Click on free live expert chat then click on the orange button you type in your name and question and someone will be there to help you and also try drinking mothers milk its a 🍵 you can find it at walmart

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Click on free live expert chat then click on the orange button you type in your name and question and someone will be there to help you and also try drinking mothers milk its a 🍵 you can find it at walmart

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4.5 года Нравится Ответить

I would be consulting your doctor on Tuesday on how to achieve this as every babys needs are different. Are you producing enough milk? You may need to up your supply. I would maybe consult a lactation consultant to be sure on top of it. Goodluck.

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