Question ladies...
(If you only have a negative opinion keep it to yourself)
Would you be able to accept a proposal if your man was going through a divorce?
He needs to move out and get his life together before trying to move on. You should get your life together as well and keep a stable environment for your child not pull your kid into it. That's not fair to you or your kid. He cheated on his wife with you. His wife deserves closure to get over what happened before he gets to just pretend happy home with you.
Shouldn't even be messing a married man periodt didn't anyone tell you there's a million men on this planet find your own guy ... Trust me honey plenty men that are single . you need to not even be in situation if I was his wife I'd beat your ass . cause you sound like a homewrecker I feel bad for the kids cause they didn't ask for this I pray for you tho
I asked for negative comments to kept to themselves guess that’s asking for too much ... thanks ladies for all your opinions bad or good have a great day
Umm if he’s still married and talking to you then he’s obviously a cheater or was and. You probably won’t be any different and he’ll do it to you too there’s reasons why there goin threw a divorce 🤦🏽♀️
Yea I understand that but every situation is different and I don’t believe in once a cheater always a cheater I believe it stops once you find your true love
@madilyngrace, omg are you serious?? You know you are the fucken side chick right! What makes you think he won’t cheat on you? Anyways you didn’t care when he cheated on his wife with you. He will go back to her and cheat on you with her 😂 so no if they find “true love” they won’t stop cheating use your brain mujer!!
No. I wouldn’t want to open one door without closing the other. It wouldn’t feel right. If you guys are meant to be together then it’s going to happen. But for now while he still legally “belongs” to someone else, I personally would want to have the respect of him being a single man and asking me. You deserve to finally have things be done the right way. I would want to start my marriage off on the right foot and you start the foundation of your marriage while dating.
Here's some food for thought also...of you're getting in this relationship for some stability because you're a single mom... don't do it. If she's filing for divorce she'll be filing for custody and child support too...there probably won't be much of his paycheck left after the fact for you and your kids.
@madilyngrace that's great but your kids will need a father that's a provider. How is he supposed to be doing that if he's paying for his first family? Honestly all these women have given you great advice but it's doesn't sound like you are going to take it. It sounds like he needs a roof over his head since his wife bounced and you're the next best thing. Good luck the only people I feel sorry for is all the kids that are in this messed up situation. Hey look on the positive side since his wife took the kids and ran you won't have to be a full time mommy to 3 kids plus work full time like you were nervous about the other day.
This is a hot mess express. You’ve been dating someone who has still been living with his so called soon to be ex wife. I have no sympathy for people who sleep with married men
Definitely think and don't feel bad to want to slow things down any of its been kind of a whirlwind. You both have children to think about and not just yourselves. I would say let divorve happen and see where things go from there. Good luck though and I wish you tons of happiness! 😊
He needs to move out and get his life together before trying to move on. You should get your life together as well and keep a stable environment for your child not pull your kid into it. That's not fair to you or your kid. He cheated on his wife with you. His wife deserves closure to get over what happened before he gets to just pretend happy home with you.
If you do accept the proposal, I’d probably wait til he wasn’t her husband anymore before I announced it. If y’all are each other’s forever then no need to rush. Also, all this will make him look like a huge dick to a judge if they battle over custody or anything else.
I think there are a lot of factors to consider. How long he has been separated, when the divorce is happening, and how long you've been in a relationship are just three to mention. Personally, I don't think I would , but then again, I've never been in that position.
They haven’t even filed . She’s filing this week ... I dated him for 5 years before he got married... He got married to move his kids to Cali but it didn’t work neither one of them were happy and I’ve always loved him and him the same... but he wants to get engaged now and have a baby now... I know he’s my forever we been through hell and back but I feel like an awe full person if I accept a proposal when their not divorced but I dunno I’m stuck
@mims you're right. my ex husband did this. Got engaged the very weekend he filed...I was only 4 months took us 18 months to get divorced and they had to cancel their wedding (venue,caterer,dj) everything because the divorce wasn't finalized yet
Like the divorce was not final and he proposes to you? No I would not accept it. I would not even date someone whom is separated. Due to the risk of them working things out. Save the back and forth promises.