My daughters been drinking soy milk the past month because she’s allergic to milk. We noticed her urine was smelling really bad. We took her to the doctor and they said she didn’t have a uti. Is this smell coming from the soy milk?
Myself and my kid(s) are vegetarians and we drink soy milk. It has never affected our urine.
Regarding the above comments, soy milk is fine. A lot of centenarians have soy-heavy diets. The soybean is the only plant based complete protein so the benefits outweigh the “risks”. It does not affect development. Humans do not metabolize phytoestrogens (plant based estrogen). I have looked for primary, peer-reviewed articles on this myth and haven’t found any. I asked my stem cell doctorate professor and she told me it’s safe. There are probably more hormones in dairy milk 🤣