nyla sephus
nyla sephus
I’m frustrated with my 3 year old he thinks it’s playtime when it’s time for bed. I do everything I can for him to know it’s bed time. The people I stay with doesn’t make it any better and think if I constantly spank him it’ll help and that does the opposite for him he gets wilder. I don’t know what to do anymore.

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You just have to keep him on a routine like two hrs before bed start doing a bath maybe some books lotion etc
01.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
She says I’m raising my son like a white women ( no offense) I’m just raising him the best I know how
01.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thanks mamas it’s a little harder since his whole night routine changed since we
Lost our place and am with a friend she has a five month old and thinks she knows everything and she doesn’t know the half of it when it comes to kids
01.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
My daughter was getting that way. She still has all her toys in her room. But what i do is i get her ready for bed. Whatever she needs. Give her a cup of water to keep with her. Lay her in her bed. Tuck her in. Sometimes i read to her. Other nights i just walk out and close her door. Unless she starts crying from needing a diaper change I normally just let her do her thing. Within 30 mins shes asleep. I get her ready for bed around 7pm. Put her in her room by 7:30pm then shes asleep by 8pm.
01.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
and that rocking can last 10-60 minutes. i really do try to keep a schedule but time and life are against me lol.
01.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
mine is younger but i still have to rock him to sleep. literally have to hold him in my arms/lap and be like “i don’t care it’s night night time” sometimes it’s a struggle. i give him like 20-30 minutes of quiet time before bed time and in that time we read a book, sing a song, chill on the bed or something. he gets warm milk at bed time and it’s completely dark otherwise he’s distracted. i don’t spank him cause i feel that’s wrong and i’m already holding him down. hang in there mama!!
01.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
Mine is like that too, he gets super wild before bed. We’ve had to remove most of the toys from his room (just books and puzzles in there now) stick to a very specific routine, and occasionally use a timer (he’s obsessed with beating the timer). We also try not to do any screen time after dinner if it can be helped, as we noticed he gets extra wild if he does screen time then bed time. But still the little rascal manages to push back bedtime more often than I’d like
01.10.2019 Нравится Ответить
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