Any moms Nursed baby during pregnancy?
i’m 3 months pregnant with a 14 month old who i don’t wanna stop nursing.. I have asked my OB & they recommended to stop at 5 months. but i don’t agree and other moms i’ve asked said they’ve nursed thru pregnancy also.. just want to hear more experiences

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hi i nursed my now two and a half year old hrough my entire second pregnancy and tandem nursed briefly after my son was born. never once was i told to stop. i only stopped because i felt she was ready. dont stop unless you want too. your ob is whack
16.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
16.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
I breastfeed through my whole pregnancy and am currently tandem breastfeeding my toddler and 6 month old. I was never told I should stop.
16.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
A lot of moms tandem nurse. I personally stopped when I was 7 months pregnant because I was experiencing aversion and agitation.
15.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
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