Kaitlyn Hash
Kaitlyn Hash
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Sorry but I need to rant I know this isn’t any of my business anyways a few years back a joined a prolife group but the more I’m on it the more I have figured out it’s pretty much a group for people to ask for help now back when Gabe was a year old we was homeless but we worked passed it not once did we ask for help I know some people can’t do that if I wasn’t able to buy something for him I sold whatever I had to get my son what he needed now I’m not bashing what so ever but I did look on her wishlist to buy something for each of her babies she’s asking for gift cards and 20 dollar sippy cups and a bunch of expensive stuff she had posted needing baby shampoo and diapers I offered her some cloth diapers I had and was willing to ship them to her all for free but she turned them down

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Then she dont need much help then ....if your going to go as far as asking random ppl for help you better be excepting of whatever is available not whatever you want.
14.09.2019 Нравится Ответить
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