I've tried getting my husband to quit. My dad quit because his mom got lung cancer and died. My husband probably wont quit until his health suffers or someone he loves health suffers. If his dad were to get cancer or something I think hed quit. His dad is his life
@kambam that's so sad. But people know what's gonna happen. I quit cold turkey in 2015 when I found out I was pregnant, best decision ever. I see people smoke while pregnant and it makes me wanna gag cuz I cant even stand the smell
I smoked from 19 to 27 and once i got pregnant i quit cold Turkey and never went back. I feel healthier and I'm so glad i never went back to smoking after everyone said i would. Now if only my fiance can quit! I agree its a very disgusting habit to break.
@kambam, my mom smokes but if she knows she won’t find a place where no one is around, kid or adults(cause you just don’t know if they have medical issues) she just doesn’t smoke or she will walk to the parking lot if wherever we are and smoke by the car and then she eats like 6 mints and sprays herself with body spray 🤣🤣 so I don’t mind it as much anymore but yes those people that are well aware of my kid next to them and they still light up and then I have to pack up and move because they’re selfish