I was wondering if any of you ladies know anything about benefits and what ones we’d be entitled too? I’m not on any and I’ve never been so I don’t know much at all. I’ve had a look online but it’s all so confusing🤦🏻‍♀️

My parter works full time and he has received DLA (now called PIP) since he was 5. He has autism. We got a letter saying his DLA is being taken away as he doesn’t qualify for it now?!?! Autism is a lifelong condition that doesn’t go away so we don’t know why this has happened. He’s appealing it and hopefully he’ll get it back. But in the meantime we’re going to struggle as it’s a lot of money to lose!

Does anyone know what benefits we’d qualify for? He works full time and I don’t work. I haven’t worked in a few years since I lost my wee girl. Since his DLA has stopped we only receive child benefit every week now. Any info would be greatly appreciated!
4.7 года

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@emmabump13, @7littlegems, Just seems to me like the people that should have it are having it taken away/reduced and the people that are lying are getting high rates of everything and getting it easy😒

4.7 года Нравится Ответить



@emmabump13, @7littlegems, Just seems to me like the people that should have it are having it taken away/reduced and the people that are lying are getting high rates of everything and getting it easy😒

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

Have u just moved over from dla to pip? If ur on Facebook have a look for a page called fight back they are really good etc they will help u apeal xx

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

@emmabump13, Yh my Andrew has the mental age of a 6 year old ... I also know some one who’s child has adhd gets high rate both on pip but has a college bus pass to get there and back is left while the mum goes on holiday etc the mum has a mobility car for her and she can do everything herself! Bloody pisses me off it does X

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

@7littlegems, Why is she getting mobility for adhd? My sd has that too but her mobility is because she cant be on her own at all never mind outdoors on her own. Mobility is only 2 questions and is based of following a familiar route. Which my girl cant do at all. My friends boy is being left on his own for a week whiles she goes abroad but yet she supposedly has to do everything for him 🤷🏻‍♀️ Takes the piss like. I actually havent spoken to get since he started getting pip n mobility. I havent fell out with her i’m just piss at her. And him actually coz he just finds it funny.x

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

@emmabump13, fluff knows I think a lot of lies were told pisses me right off I also don’t have much to do with her she says she can’t go out etc erm but get the bus to college! My boy can’t go anywhere at all either and my little 2 year old he’s 3 this month he can’t even go out the door he has sensory processing disorder it’s so bad he’s also asd none verbal with a 70% development delay xx

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

@mrsbodell, @gen87, @mariapb, Thanks girls. It does affect his ability to work as he needs help at work and without that help he can’t work. We’ll take a look at the websites you suggested👍🏼

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

You can get pip and work hun i looked into this the other day. I know someone whos son gets the full amount of pip and mobility. I completely disagree with him getting it and dont believe he has any disability. He has started working in an Indian restaurant full time so i looked into it if you can work and claim pip. Have a look online tho and if your still not sure maybe go to the job centre or citizens advice. Good luck x

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

Go on to entitledto.com that’ll work everything out for you.

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

They’ve most likely taken the DLA away as he is capable to work and earn.
Look at the entitled to website. You fill in all your details and it will tell you your entitlements. You are probably eligible for child tax credits.

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

@kathleenc, do you pay her or does his work pay her?

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

@mrsbodell, It came off his DLA xx

4.7 года Нравится Ответить

@kathleenc, she’s probably assessed him and seen he is settled and able to carry on working. That might be why they’ve stopped the payments.

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