I definitely leaked a clear fluid out of one of my breasts when i did iui and conceived. Sometimes abnormal hormones or taking hormones can cause this. Are you taking anything?
No I don’t take medications for anything. My son is one my milk dried up immediately after I stopped pumping ! I drink a lot of water and I eat healthy I had cancer in my cervix so I changed the way I eat and I drink soda once or twice a week
@bella.carter1991 I would test. I had completely dried up too and my kiddo was 6 when I got pregnant again. My fertility specialist said it wasn't abnormal.
Colostrum can begin to produce as early as 15 weeks but there is no way you’re in the first trimester and producing milk.
How far along do you think you are?
@bella.carter1991, well milk comes after colostrum. And like I said, it can be early for colostrum, but rarely earlier than 15 weeks. If you’re 15 weeks then you’d (A) most likely be showing. Or (b) get a solid positive on a test.
Now, I’m not trying to scare you - but go to the doctor. If you’re having discharge from the nipple(s) then that could be a sign of a hormonal imbalance or something more serious.
Take a pregnancy test. If it’s negative, to see your doctor.