I’m 10 weeks rn & My doctor gave me a blood test kit tht my insurance pays for and is sending someone to my house July 1st to draw my blood and then I have to send the kit to a lab and then I get my results within a week .. I could of had it drawn wenever I wanted after I got the kit but I chose to wait til I was 12 weeks exactly to get it done !! I might contact them and ask if I can get it done this week because I wanna know the gender already lol 😂
The ones you buy online aren’t always correct. First child I had to wait until 20 week ultrasound because my insurance didn’t cover the gender part of the blood test, this time I have different insurance and it did so they took blood at 11 weeks and called me with the results the next week. 😊
@rainelove, Your OB office does it when you have the genetic testing done, you just either have to pay out of pocket for them to check the gender marker of the test or some insurances cover it.
With my first had the anatomy scan at 22 weeks I got a 90% it's a girl and that was correct and at 18 weeks with this pregnancy told 70% chance it's a girl. It's the only way unless you ask about NIPT test which is around 14-18 weeks that checks for down syndrome but can give you the gender in the results, or ask if your insurance will covers a separate blood draw to tell gender. Some insurance doesn't cover it so you might have to pay out of pocket.
With my youngest we did the ultrasound at 20 weeks and found out at 22 weeks at our gender reveal party my husband was away for work for a couple weeks so we had to wait.
@rainelove, the at home, you take the sample at home. On the website there’s a link to put in your address and see if there’s a clinic that will draw blood for you.