My daughter is 3 and my son is 1, my daughter hits her brother when he goes into there room or when he goes to try to take her toy or she will take a toy that he is playing with. Sometimes they aren't playing with anything and she still mean to him. She's just really mean to him sometimes. She does have her days where she wants to be around him and hug him. But she mostly has bad days with him. Anyone have any tips of how to get my daughter to stop being so mean to her brother?? I don't know if this is a weird question or something I can get her to stop doing.

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My son has always been kinda rough. At daycare they always say nice me nice touches. So we’ve done that. We’ve tried talking, swatting his hand, time out. Nothing has ever stopped it completely. We just try to stay consistent telling him no we don’t act like that. He’s so much better then he was. It’s like he didn’t know his own strength and it’s taken a very long time to learn.
23.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
My daughter is 4, she learned a bad habit from an ex of mine. He would abuse his dog in front of her when she was 2. She didn't actually start hitting the animals until like a year ago and I tried time outs. I tried taking things away. You name it. Didn't work for her. So I told her if she hits the pets then I will hit her. She hit the dog so I smacked her butt and she cried. "Did you like being hit?" I would ask. She would say no. It took a few times but she finally got that "oh, this is what I do to them and it happens to me when I do it. I don't like it so I should stop"
23.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
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