Remember your senior year in high school and answer these questions lol


1. Did you know your current significant other? Nope, didn’t even know he existed.

2. Make and year of car? 1994 Chevy Cavalier

3. What kind of job? Grocery Store

4. Where did you live? San Diego, CA

5. Were you popular? Haha no

6. Were you in choir? Nope

7. Ever get suspended from school? Nope

8. If you could, would you go back? Yes. Knowing what I know now, I would love to go back and do it differently.

9. Still talk to the person that you went to prom with? Nope

10.Did you skip school? Of course.

11. Go to all the football games? Not to watch, just to hang out.

12.Favorite subjects? Ehhh Dance, does that count haha

13. Do you still have your yearbooks? Yes

14. Did you follow the career path you planned? I wanted to be a cosmetologist, went to school for it, but didn’t finish. 18 and all i wanted to do was party hardy. I am now an administrative assistant, so no, didn’t follow my career oath.

15. Did you have a class ring? No (see were you poplar, haha)

16. Still close with your best friend? Yes, over 20 years!

17. Who was your favorite teacher? My English and dance teachers.

18. What was your style? Pathetic

19. Favorite shoes? Flip Flops

20. Favorite thing to eat? Salad

21. Favorite music? Hip Hop and Country, Rap (only Eminem)

22. High school Hair? Short dark

23. What kind of cologne/perfume? Britney Spears first perfume.

24. How old when graduated if you did? 18

25. Did you play a sport? Softball

Copy and paste your answers! 😊

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