Birth story;

On March 26, 2019 I started having contractions just a couple hours after my great grandma passed away.
They were about 5 minutes apart.

On March 30, 2019 I was at my grandmas services and my contractions got to be 2 minutes apart, and a little stronger. They didn’t feel like regular contractions.

On March 31, 2019 We were at the grave yard and my contractions were getting more intense and uncomfortable! By that evening I was so uncomfortable I couldn’t rest. I decided to take Tinley and go home. Around 3am that night I had lost my mucus plug, and the contractions was almost unbearable. I stuck it out though.

April 1, 2019 I took Tinley to daycare at 6:30am and went on to work because I was only scheduled 4 hours that day. Contractions was so bad I could barely walk. I was at work for almost 2 hours when I finally gave in and told my mom to come get me.

As I was at work waiting on my mom my contractions got to be 2 minutes apart and so intense!
I called my doctor and they wanted me to come to the office and get checked instead of going straight to the hospital. (The office and hospital is an hour away)

We make it to the office and the doctor comes in to check me. She asked me what I was dilated to the week before and I told her 2cm.
She checks me and tells me that I’m 5cm and fully thinned. She told me I was having a baby and to go to the hospital. (The hospital is just next door)

Me and my mom drive over to the hospital and go to the Er so they could get me registered quicker and sent to labor and delivery!

By the time I made it to labor and delivery I was 7cm.
I walked the halls, did squats, and rocked in a rocking chair.

I made it to 9cm and finally told them I wanted the epidural. I got the epidural and was able to rest for an hour and then I started to feel everything again.
The doctor who did my epidural came back in and gave me some more medicine, but it wasn’t helping.

I stop dilating at 9 1/2 cm. I had tried pushing, but Tatum just wasn’t moving down far enough like babies should.
His heart rate started to bottom out and then a few times it wasn’t even on the monitors!
They rushed the doctor in and he told me if I didn’t get Tatum out ASAP that they were rushing me to have an emergency c-section.

I was on my hands and knees trying to get his heart rate back up but it wasn’t working.
He told me he was going to use the forceps to try an get Tatum. They were a success and he was able to get Tatum’s head out, and that’s when we saw that he was still face up. That’s why I stopped dilating and the contractions were so bad.
The doctor laid the forceps down and went to work Tatum on out when a big gush of water shot Tatum out and the doctor had barely caught him by the neck!
He came out so fast that I got second degree tear!
I had blood vessels busted all over my face and in my eyes from pushing so hard.

The was the most intense labor ever! I’m pretty sure the whole hospital heard me screaming.

Tatum was born at 9:05pm on April fools day!
4.9 года

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I love your story

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I love your story

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Thank you!

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