Just watched a super informative video on why infants cannot have plain water and how it can be deadly. I wish we could share videos on here! #DoNotGiveYourBabyWater 😩
4.9 года

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They say before 6 months babies shouldn't have any water and after that it should be limited. (Mine I limited until he was weaned off of milk.) They can get over hydrated (I don't remember the actual term for it). If baby is in need of hydration only sips should be given. Babies are super sensitive and get their water from the breast milk or bottles they get throughout the day.

4.9 года Нравится Ответить



Wic gave me a cup and told me to give my daughter a small amount to get her used to trying a cup.. Although she is only breast fed and will not take pacifiers bottles or even toys .. she hates putting things in her mouth that's not my breast. She is a bit strange.. I do not give her a lot sip then try later ..

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

That's so crazy they would do that, I would've said no thank you lol. At 5 months she can't have the water nor does she need to be practicing using a cup lol. Sometimes I wonder about people, you'd think they of all people they would know that 🤦‍♀️

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

So I don’t wanna sound dumb, but I am a new mom and have never been told not to give my baby water. I wouldn’t right now but I thought it was ok to give her water around 6 months. Can you just explain to me why not to give them water? Just want to be informed since no one has said anything to me.

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

They say before 6 months babies shouldn't have any water and after that it should be limited. (Mine I limited until he was weaned off of milk.) They can get over hydrated (I don't remember the actual term for it). If baby is in need of hydration only sips should be given. Babies are super sensitive and get their water from the breast milk or bottles they get throughout the day.

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

@addy, thank you !!

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Wish I had this a whole back. My brothers gf was giving my 6 month old niece water on the regular! This was her 3rd child!

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

@addy her excuse was to help him poop lol I was like yeah okay. He wasn't constipated not had problems. It's like she'd give me juice to give to him, which nope never did lol until like 2. I don't have a good relationship with her as you can tell 😂

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

@ma.name.chef ugh that's frustrating. Sorry momma but good for you for standing up for yourself and baby

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

@addy yeah i totally am withdrawing this baby from her lol

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

This is probably horrible of me since I’m pregnant with #4 but what age is it okay to start to give water ?

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

At 6 months they can have VERY limited amounts(less than 2 oz) you shouldn't give a sippy cup of water until about a year!

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

@rmreed, ok yes I remember now !! Thank you ☺️

4.9 года Нравится Ответить