
I’m transitioning to being a SAHM soon and want to make this a smooth transition! If you can give me your best advice, what would it be?
4.9 года

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Try to make a schedule for yourself and the kiddos so you can feel a sense of structure, if you have transportation try to join playgroups, look for events or places to take them to, and if you don’t have transportation maybe a park within walking distance, Pinterest outdoor and indoor activities to do with the kids for their ages 😊

4.9 года Нравится Ответить



Try to make a schedule for yourself and the kiddos so you can feel a sense of structure, if you have transportation try to join playgroups, look for events or places to take them to, and if you don’t have transportation maybe a park within walking distance, Pinterest outdoor and indoor activities to do with the kids for their ages 😊

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Thanks for the Pinterest tip!

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

I wish I could give you good advice I've been one for 1 1/2 years & I'm still trying to figure it out. I had worked since 16 so it's been a huge adjustment but now i feel like I've done it forever. I love it though.

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

All of the above, but also sit down and schedule some time with your SO to get out of the house when he’s around and can take over. We started that when my son was 3 months old. I get a few hours every Sunday to completely detach from the house for a while. I need it because Monday through Saturday I pretty much run the house. I need a break from looking at my house sometimes! In return I understand that he want to completely detach from it all too so he gets a few hours once a week as well.

The most important thing I’ve learned on this SAHM journey is we both work and provide in our own ways and they’re equally hard and both have pressure attached to them. We are pressured to keep it all together at the house and they’re pressured at work to perform and to maintain that job and those benefits as the financial provider. After we both kind of figured this part of it out we started to communicate better and found a flow that allows for pretty decent balance.

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Agree with above a schedule can be so important. Go to the local library weekly, find play groups, get a membership to a local children's museum. Have the kids sleep in the same time window everyday. Eat meals and wake around the same time. Don't be afraid to ask for help or a break when needed.

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

I hate asking for help it you’re right!

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Make time for yourself. Even if it's taking a long bath while doing a face mask. It can get overwhelming if you are constantly home with the kids and having no time alone.

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Cut yourself some slack. Not every day can be a fun filled activity packed day. Don’t beat yourself up for that. Also try and get some time for yourself when you can, getting touched out is very real.

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Schedule!!! Get you and the kids on a schedule and always makes time for you! Even if it's an extra long bubble bath when the man gets home and can take over.

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Wine, and “daddy take over” time when your husband gets home 😩 and more wine lol

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

More wine. Got it!

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Still go out lol like make a schedule to go for a walk or to the park or splash pad pool or something. Cuz if you stay in 24/7 or at home even 24/7 you’ll get depressed real quick

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Keep yourself busy. It’s easy to fall into a depression when you are home all day every day with the kids with no adult interaction, especially when you’re used to working! Find something you like to do for yourself and make it a priority at least once a week while the kids nap or go to bed for the night. I love being home with my kids, but it is hard some times. I ended up going back to work from home because I loved my job and missed it. I just work 20 hours a week when the kids nap/go to bed. It keeps me sane.

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Also want to add time for yourself daily. I like to wake up 30-45 mins before everyone else to drink coffee and watch the news. Makes my days much more manageable.

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Have alcohol stocked at all times. Also take time for yourself once a week. It can become very overwhelming very quickly.

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Stock up on wine. Got it!

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Relax the first few days because after a week it'll probably be frustrating and it's not like you can lock yourself in a room for a while to relax for a minute. But I love spending time with my kids and not being away from them 😂😂

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