I recently got out of a long term relationship. I want to make 2019 the year for me. I’m going to join a Gym (which I’m super nervous about) and start dieting. What are some diets everyone has tried? I don’t want to starve myself! I am a huge caffeine addict! And this is my 3rd day without Diet Coke! That’s a hugeeee step for me! I bought a huge reusable water bottle that holds 64ounces and I have been drinking the whole thing!! I am so proud of myself!! Anyone who has ever met me knows how much I loveeee Diet Coke. And to curb that addiction I have only been drinking Coffee and Water! What are other suggestions you all have? What type of foods and exercises help with weight loss? Should I try a diet pill too?

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Don’t eat breads, bagels, pizza etc. no soda. No sweets. No food like pasta etc.
i cook healthy food for myself and it’s yummy! I like it. Just look for different recipes. Facebook,Instagram or google.
I have cheat day once a week when i eat whatever I want.
03.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’m trying no sweets! I have a lot of fruit to substitute sweets with!
03.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
I never dieted when I got up in weight I just worked out a lot at a gym and got a trainer and it was really expensive but there are cheaper gyms but anyways I found that I dropped weight fast and gained muscle within 3 months but everybody has a different body
03.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
I don’t diet. I just changed my eating habits as a lifestyle change. I have one cheat meal a week and the rest is super healthy stuff. No sugar, good carbs only, healthy fats, etc.
03.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
@katewiley1508, I eat meat but I rarely eat red meat. Most of my protein comes from seafood or chicken.
03.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
@missheatherbaby, do you count calories? I’ve seen a few apps to count calories but who has time for that?!
03.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
@katewiley1508, I don’t because I know I’m not eating a lot. I usually have nonfat yogurt with fruit, and a little granola for breakfast. For lunch I’ll have salad with no dressing or egg whites with vegetables and an avocado. Then for dinner I have a bigger meal like salmon, brown rice, and broccoli. I make a lot of healthy pasta dishes for dinner but I use brown rice pasta only. I only drink water and coffee. I don’t use sugar in my coffee.
03.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
Fasting is how I lost 40lbs in about 6 months but you still get to eat everyday! Or the military diet I also heard works wonders! I personally wouldn’t try any diet pill until I’ve tried to change my diet and exercise more! I walked 3 miles 6/7 days a week and drank a crap ton of water and fasted until 2pm or 3pm everyday!
03.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
@lovelymomma.000 me too please. I literally just made the same post lol
03.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
Fasting scares me! I’ve heard you can gain it back quick. Are you still fasting? I just google military diet. So it’s 3 days of strict meals and 4 days of under 1500 calories?
03.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
@katewiley1508, Not a whole fasting more like fasting for 12 hours of the day and having a open window for eating to fuel ur body with good fruits and veggies and protein! I have kept it off thank God and gave up walking when I got pregnant!
03.05.2019 Нравится Ответить
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