I was definitely not recommending laying your baby on their stomach I was simply saying what worked for me. I know doctors recommend that baby’s sleep on their backs but they also recommend birth control lets argue
I mean, they don’t just say “back is best” for fun. Studies have proven it’s the safest. It literally saves lives as stomach sleeping can kill your baby. But you do you I guess. Not looking to argue. Just please don’t go around telling moms it’s okay. I want all babies to be safe in their sleeping space.
Lol girl everyone on this app will have their opinion don’t worry about what they say. If that’s what you like than that’s your baby. This is the perfect place to argue by the way. People always have something to say on this app.
My son slept on his back, once he started rolling over I would freak out and pick him up to make sure he was breathing, I asked his doctor about the rolling over in his sleep and she told me it was fine so I stopped rolling him over/picking him up but I never have stopped checking to see if he’s breathing and neither has my husband, we just can’t help it he’s our baby and we don’t want anything bad happening to him, we love him so much.
Girl I understand LOL
I am stomach sleeps and so are my kids , if I know that I put my kids to sleep on her stomach she will get a good 4/5 hours especially if she’s overtired , but when I do that I lay on my back because I know I’m going to be comfortable and Ill wake every every so often to check on baby
Do what's best for your child. I tried putting my daughter on her back but then she wouldn't stay like that. My mom always put us on our bellies because she said we slept better. I agree SIDS are neurological issue.
I did both with my DD. Sometimes she slept on her belly at night but most of the time her back and always on her belly at nap time. But it was all up to her after she started rolling over. She preferred her belly. More cases of SIDS has to do with a neurological issue more then suffocation.
@lexitorres9133, Your inability to grasp this situation or why I tagged you is giving me secondhand embarrassment. So for your sake, I’m done engaging in this immaturity.
Girl don’t listen to them seriously, that’s how all babies slept back in the day and they are all fine?! I never understood this, my son does sleep on his back but just because he doesn’t like sleeping on his tummy and he HATES tummy time but everybody’s baby is different, I repeat, EVERYBODYS BABY IS DIFFERENT, it would be a whole different story if you were arguing about the chest clip on a car seat being on their stomach or something ugh this drives me crazy
My kid would NOT sleep on his back past 3 months. Downright refused! So we've had a belly sleeper ever since. As momma's we do whatever works for our babies.
@symantha_chandler lol did you read my comment?? He started this at 3 months, before he was able to rollover or sit up on his own. So no, it's not different. My baby boy is alive and well bc between myself, his father and his pediatrician we found what works for our child.
I mean, they don’t just say “back is best” for fun. Studies have proven it’s the safest. It literally saves lives as stomach sleeping can kill your baby. But you do you I guess. Not looking to argue. Just please don’t go around telling moms it’s okay. I want all babies to be safe in their sleeping space.
Lol girl everyone on this app will have their opinion don’t worry about what they say. If that’s what you like than that’s your baby. This is the perfect place to argue by the way. People always have something to say on this app.