I know they say to lay infant on they’re back to sleep but that wasn’t working for us. I started laying my baby on her stomach about a week ago and Noticed how much more comfortable she is and how much longer she sleeps. Lifesaver!!!
My youngest slept on her belly for the first month & a half & for that month & a half we slept on the floor with my my hands touching her & I intentionally laid uncomfortably so I woke up to every move she made. We used the boppy pillow to prop her up a bit & I would keep a hand by her face & one under her bum to keep her still. She had horrid belly problems & it was the only way other than laying directly on me that she slept & I was too scared to have her on my chest. It was horrible & im definitely not proud of it nor will recommend it to other people. But I will always admit to it because I had to accept that I needed rest at some point, that’s nature, so I did what I had to do. The minute I could get her comfortable on her back though, she was flat on her back. The swaddle me blankets are honestly what helped the transition.
@linda661231, absolutely. My mom tried telling me this as well as reminding me that when I was born, they were claiming it was safer that way & both me & my sister had slept like that since day one. So it’s not like it’s the absolute worst thing in the world to be doing. They found it safer not to do that, but they also say not to sleep in bed with the baby & there’s plenty of people doing that as well. Sometimes rules are made to be broken & like you said, what works for one family & one baby, might not work at all for another. She now sleeps comfortably on her back (unless she rolls over) by herself in her crib just fine but it was not happening in the beginning.
I know they sleep better but it’s not recommended because they can’t roll back over god for bid they can’t breath I feel your pain my kids hated back sleeping but I would try a swing over stomach sleeping
My second always slept on her stomach but kept her in the bed till she was about 2/3 months n put her in her crib shes fine just check up on them here n there
Both my kiddos were tummy sleepers but both were also rolling not even 2 weeks after leaving the hospital.
My youngest actually rolled while still at the hospital 🤣
I understand but I’ve been doing tummy time with her for 3 1/2 weeks and I watch her closely she has really good control of lifting her head and turning her head. She sleeps in a bassinet which has a flat surface and one thin blanket nothing else.