Mandie B
I could've killed my SO last night. It had been five days since Austin had his pacifier and my SO gave in last night and gave it to him then came from the room and told me, and I'm like ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!? it's been crazy my son is almost 3 and I'm trying to get rid of it before his birthday (should've been sooner) but he only has been using it at night time. Well he fell asleep shortly after and didn't have the Paci in his mouth, and he hasn't said anything about it since.
4.9 года

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Did you just take it cold turkey? I need to get my daughter off hers

4.9 года Нравится Ответить



Did you just take it cold turkey? I need to get my daughter off hers

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

Well we tried it before and he just wasn't ready because he would depend on it especially at night time. And then I started telling him that pacifiers were for baby so anytime he would go to my SIL house or somebody's house I would take it away for the day, or if we went somewhere I would take it away for the day and he barely noticed because he'd be having so much fun but then when he's get sleepy he'd cry for it. So he went away to SIL house for 2 days and I kept it with me and then when he came back I hid all the pacifiers we had so he wouldn't see them. He still points at his mouth and whines but only like once a day. Cutting the pacifiers like some people do never worked for us, he'd just get mad throw it and look around the house for another one.

4.9 года Нравится Ответить

@mandehhhx3, I’ve tried cutting hers too and it didn’t work lol. She usually only has it when she’s sleeping but when she’s having a bad day she really wants it and cries for it

4.9 года Нравится Ответить