Katerina Brown
Katerina Brown
I truly hate breastfeeding my son lately like if we weren't so bad off right now I'd go to formula no problem. Its sad because i breastfed my first for nearly 3 years. He's just so difficult. He's always distracted he never wants to latch or stay latched long than he gets mad that he's still hungry. I just want to cry.

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Try to feed him when he is drowsy, right after he wakes up or before his nap and so on. Feed him in a silent room without tv or phone, they start to be distracted by every noise at this age
17.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
I'm sorry you're going through this hun, I struggled to breastfeed my daughter and eventually had to switch to formula. If you want to try out formula and you see how he does you could always call his pediatrician and ask them for some samples. They're not as big as the ones you get in the store but they're not too small either and they're free!! I used to get 4 cans every time I went to the pediatrician
17.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Wic provides formula. It really helped me out. Even if you use to supplement.
17.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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