Erica Buntain
Erica Buntain
‪So this is kinda personally but I’m livid rn so I need to vent. A while ago I tried to commit suicide due to me being manic. Well someone called dcfs on me for a reason I don’t know lol. Because I wasn’t with my babies when I did it. I left them with their father ( a safe place)‬. Well they indicated me of child abuse and neglect. I just find that straight bullshit. I always put my boys first and I don’t know how they could find this indicated

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I’m so sorry your going threw this I’m glad you didn’t succeed though prayers everything gets cleared up and your okay now?!
12.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
I don’t feel like it’s fair or going to help someone whose suicidal by involving child services or taking their kids away . I’m sorry this is how you’re being treated because it shouldn’t have to be this way . I’m so happy you didnt succeed though💜 your boys need their mama here ! Even if you don’t think they do ! & the fact that you thought about them & didn’t leave them alone I would think would help too . I can’t believe they’re saying that’s child abuse & neglect . I can understand maybe if the boys were there but I still don’t see how that’s abuse ? I’m sorry mama . I’m always here if you need someone to talk or vent to ! I can’t imagine feeling that way .
12.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Thank you. I definitely don’t think it’s fair either. There are so many parents who don’t know how to parent that need dcfs. Or children who are being abused that they need to focus on. My children are treated like kings and it hurts my soul to think they think I’ve abused them. I know what I did was wrong but it didn’t involve my children.
12.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
@buntaine, exactly ! They weren’t there or in harms way so I don’t understand their logic . I see children’s & babies being murdered daily anymore on the news .. maybe if they quit playing stupid games & did their job CORRECTLY, some of those children & babies could have been saved . But they’re too busy harassing people over non sense .
12.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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