There are no US administrators to answer messages at this time. Try messaging the Russian account. We are currently being moderated by a member of their team.
@mychemicalshaymance, i complained about being ganged up on and hadn’t heard back. I was just gunna delete the app, but i was super annoyed that everything that was going on my post was legit against community guidelines. I forgot to report people before i deleted the post all together and one girl was a moderator herself that was apart of it and she blocked me so i can’t even report her. I’ll probably just delete it and say screw it.
@mychemicalshaymance, that’s cool. I had no idea. A few weeks back I saw postings of ppl saying no one was “monitoring” and I kept wondering how do these ppl know?
@buneeh it was just speculation lol. They're really slow due to the time difference but they're trying to do some first grade bs with the "treat others the way you want to be treated". Definitely doing the recently reported things. It's all about timing now.