I have HBP which I was managing with meds. I had a bleeding episode and was sure I was miscarrying. I couldn’t sleep the whole night thinking about how I might be having my second miscarriage. I went to the Ob next morning and my BP was sky high, 179/105. Like I was ready to explode. But guess what? I wasn’t having a miscarriage. Baby had a heartbeat. However they told me my HBP from my stress and anxiety could cause a miscarriage bc I’m a high risk pregnancy. Sleep, exercise, eat well, medication, meditation, whatever it takes. Manage your stress so you can manage your HBP. It’s neither good for you or your pregnancy.
From experience with this, I'm telling you that baby feels everything you're feeling and if you're stressed out crying all the time, the baby will cry ALOT! My last pregnancy I was mad and angry all the time wanting to fight and everything, and guess how my son came out? Active and wanting to fight. Try to become stress free for your baby
I’m not a doctor but my pregnancy was very stressful and my life was crazy I even moved
I had panic attacks and was sick a lot
My baby almost came early.
But as far as her now, she came at 38 weeks healthy. She’s sensitive but I’m not sure if it’s linked
She doesn’t always cry but she has her moments. She’s always slept through the night
I’m the beginning she breastfed every 2-3 hours like clock work and now she’s down to 1 feeding around 5-6 am. At first she hated baths but now she’s ok. Except she really only likes me lol
But yeah I would be upset and basically yelling and I would feel here move a lot then not at all. Please try to take it easy. All of that was so hard
Tbh crying is not bad at all if anything you are releasing whatever sadness you have. Crying is actually a good thing it’s a way of our bodies releasing tension that is causing us stress. Crying does not hurt your baby at all. Yea in terms of the high blood pressure I’m not really sure but that is why u should find some outlets... I know it can be very difficult but it’s good to try. It’s ok! I’m just glad my baby is beautiful and healthy🤗. Once you give birth all those hormones really do get back in place.
I had the same worry my entire pregnancy.. I had high stress, depression, morning sickness. The complete opposite of my first pregnancy and my baby is fine. It was mostly because my toddler was just being a toddler and my husband was just working a lot and away a lot as well. But if you have the time and resources, my advice is to find outlets to make yourself feel better.. I just didn’t have the time or energy this time around but I found it very helpful during my first pregnancy. Take a yoga class, get a massage, get ur nails done, go for a walk, listen to music and nap! Good luck and I hope you feel better. Now that I have my baby I regret spending so much time being stressed and cranky ( it was more the hormones I think which u have no control over). So try to take it easy!
I try my best, but oh lord I find myself crying nearly every day. I know it’s partially the hormones, but what scares me is I get really high blood pressure when I get upset or flustered. Worse than I have pre pregnancy! I’m sorry that you had a tough time during your second pregnancy, but I’m glad everything and the baby is okay! Thank you so much ☺️💙