I wish I knew what to do... my daughter throws the worst tantrums ever... like.. we scream at each other and I know it’s not healthy . She is only 2.. she pulls her hair, bites her clothes.. and slams doors.. I really don’t know what I am doing wrong as a mom.. I don’t get much help from her dad ( yes we are together) but he just blocks us out and plays videos games.. I am literally with my child 24/7... I never get alone time.. not to go to the bathroom, to eat.. to go to the store.. nothing.. every time I leave she throws the biggest fit and screams.. everything I do she throws a fit. Try to put her in the bath, a fit, try to bathe her, a fit.. to get her dressed it’s a battle.. to change her diaper.. to comb her hair it’s like ww4... she loves watching Ryan’s toy review on YouTube.. to get her to do anything when that is on.. is out of the question.. I literally cry to myself and say how I just want to kill myself because I don’t know what more or how much more I can ask for help and not get it... I’m literally losing my mind... 😓 I just want a normal child where if I say no they don’t lose their fucking shit... I don’t think whooping her ass ALL THE TIME IS THE ANSWER.. but at times yes she gets one... I’m afraid of snapping one day and really hurting her... I just need advice.. guidance... help... 😔

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