Moms who Had an c-section did you really wait your 8 weeks to go back to work or go an where ? I’m about to go crazy in my house

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I was walking around a large hospital at 3 days pp, and every couple days. Definitely should have waited a little longer, but its what I had to do to see my girls because they went to a different hospital and I had to find my way thru the hospital to their rooms with no help. But by 2-2.5 weeks pp i was grocery shopping and and walking.
01.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
I wasn’t restricted from going anywhere but my dr definitely wanted me to avoid using the steep staircase in my house. I of course didn’t listen/got tired of being trapped in my bedroom upstairs and did it anyway. Wish I hadn’t because when I went to my checkup, my incision had opened a little and I got a minor infection. It could’ve been worse but i definitely would’ve listened if I had to do it over again. But after about 4 weeks I was able to take my baby on walks etc. If you think about it, you really can’t keep from going anywhere because your baby will have dr appts you must go to.
01.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Uh no?! 8 weeks? I was out doing stuff 2 weeks after and was in a wedding not even 4 weeks after.

I’m a sahm tho so idk about the work part
01.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
Work - I definitely waited.
Serving is so much strain on the body.

But, I did light walks around the neighborhood, went to a restaurant or two, and grocery shopped around 3/4 weeks.
(I had internal bleeding though. If I had healed properly, I would have gone out to target or walks at 2 weeks.)
Investing in a GOOD belly brace specifically for c-section recovery will make a world of a difference.
01.04.2019 Нравится Ответить
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